I have interviewed today’s guest many times, and it’s always a wild ride. Mighty Networks founder and CEO Gina Bianchini is so smart, passionate and insightful. She was my finale guest for Season 1 of the Subscription Stories podcast, back in 2020. That episode holds the record for most popular Subscription Stories show of all time. We were all stuck at home, afraid to go out in person, and were looking for ways to connect, authentically with others. Mighty Networks was established to make it easy for people to build engaged communities around their passion and purpose. Nearly 3 years later, people are back to connecting in person—but Mighty Networks continues to grow. Why? Gina would say it’s because people crave meaning and connection through community.
I invited her back to the show to talk about her new WSJ bestselling book, Purpose: Design a Community and Change Your Life. In our wide-ranging conversation, we also discuss how to implement best practices in launching, scaling and hosting a vibrant online community, and how someone can actually discover their purpose, even if they’re feeling stuck. Welcome to the show Gina!
Listen to the podcast here
Building a Purpose-Driven Subscription Community with Mighty Networks’ Gina Bianchini
I have interviewed my guest many times, and it’s always a wild ride. Mighty Networks Founder and CEO Gina Bianchini is so smart, passionate, and insightful. It’s honestly plain fun for me. Gina was my final guest for season one of the show back in 2020. At that time, we were all stuck at home, afraid to go out in person, and we were looking for ways to connect authentically with others.
Mighty Networks was established to make it easy for people to build engaged communities around their passion and purpose. Years later, people are back to connecting in person, but Mighty Networks continues to grow. Why? Gina would say it’s because people crave meaning and connection through community, and I have to agree.
I invited Gina back to the show to talk about her new Wall Street Journal best-selling book, Purpose: Design a Community and Change Your Life. In our wide-ranging conversation, we also discussed how to implement best practices in launching, scaling, and hosting a vibrant online community, and how someone can discover their purpose even if they’re feeling stuck. Welcome to the show, Gina.
Gina, welcome to the show.
Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.
It’s great to see you. Congratulations on your new book, Purpose. It’s a Wall Street Journal best-seller.
It is. I have so appreciated your support, especially in the very early days. You know this from writing a book. When you literally have had your friends read it or maybe like a family member and concentric circles outside start to read it and they’re like, “It’s good,” it’s like, “Really? That’s great. I love hearing that. Thank you.” You were that person to me, and I appreciate it.
I’m so glad. It’s funny that you bring that up because when I wrote my first book, the one thing that I was most worried about was that people I respected, my friends and those concentric circles, were going to read the book and say, “It’s not that good.”
“We still like her. She’s good at other things, but I guess this book’s not one of them.”
Your book, which I’ve read, is really good. It’s based on a course that you had developed as part of your work running Mighty Networks. Can you tell us what caused you to go through the effort of writing a book, which is no easy task, and what the purpose of Purpose is?
In teaching this community design class, the premise of the course is to create a community so valuable that you can charge for it relevant to your audience. It’s basically self-organizing and easy to run that you actually want to run it. At this point, I’ve had a front-row seat to over 3 million different communities created. In this work, what I keep coming back to and keep seeing is how closely tied community is with purpose.
I define purpose as the clear, positive intention for our time, our talents, our focus, and our energy for our brief time on planet Earth. Especially over the past few years, as people have been asking themselves the question, I certainly have asked myself the question, “What am I doing? What is this all for?” I’m assuming you might have as well. In a moment and a time of pretty profound and rapid change, having a practice around that clear positive intention for our time, talents, energy, and focus for our brief time on planet Earth has only become more important.
As I started to take some of the things that I had figured out worked in the context of community design and started to bring them into a much earlier experience of an individual being able to build a practice around their purpose, it worked and worked well for people. I decided to turn it into a book so that more people could potentially take advantage of it and that I could invite them into these practices and ways of grounding ourselves in purpose, impact, and being able to answer that question of, “What am I doing? What is this all for?” in a more thoughtful and proactive way.
Given the response to the book and the people sharing their stories of implementing some of these practices, I’m honored, humbled, and so excited to get it out to more people because life is truly too short not to have a clear, positive intention for our time, our talents, our energy, and our focus. If I can do my part in that and help people find that, then I’m probably doing something right.
Is it fair to say this isn’t necessarily a business book so much as it’s a very personal book?
Correct. It’s not a business book. It is about how finding your purpose and making it matter is core to our experience as human beings. No amount of technology, innovation, and time spent in front of our devices changes the fact that, as human beings, we want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We want to have a clear and positive intention. We want to have a purpose. We want to take on challenges.
No amount of technology, innovation, and time spent in front of our devices changes the fact that, as human beings, we want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. @ginab Share on XEven if we don’t think we want to take on challenges, if you look at how we evolve and how we have the most energy, what we put in our bodies, all of these things, it is about how we take on challenges, how we strive for mastery, and how we do something that we didn’t think was possible. When I reflect on it, it’s like, “That is a well-lived life.”
I’m wondering right now. I’m thinking about who’s reading. They’re wondering, “Are we reading Subscription Stories? This sounds like it’s a whole order of magnitude.”
“When are we talking about LTV?”
“I thought this was a woman who runs the community platform for people building on the community?” I want to come back to purpose and come back to the future story and how people do this and how people find meaning and the whole COVID, “What am I doing here, anyway?” question. Before we do that, I want to make that connection.
You are the Founder and CEO of Mighty Networks, one of the most successful, fastest-growing, totally capturing the zeitgeist community platforms that sell to organizations and businesses of all sizes to help them build a key part of their business model. How did you rationalize making time for this? Was this a totally separate compartment of your life, or do you see opportunities for dovetailing what you were doing with your work on purpose, values, and what you do every day running your company?
We, as human beings, are made for the community. We are physically, emotionally, and psychologically made for the community. My work in terms of selling software is in service to the human experience. I know that that sounds so lofty, but it’s true. It is especially true for the kind of software that I have obsessively built for the last decade-plus. Do you know that exercise where people are like, “Keep asking why,” and you keep asking why? When I did that, it comes down to if I lived in a world where people had a much clearer sense of their purpose, they would see the value of community, but more importantly, know how to do it or at least be motivated to know how to do it.
What happens when more people know how to run or host a community, courses, memberships, or events? Number one, I think that the world is a better place. We can have a connection. We can belong to something bigger than ourselves. If, in the process, I’m able to sell more software, fantastic. Software is always going to be in service of a mission and a bigger mission, which is how I am as an individual and also as a leader and also my team, are able to integrate and blend people’s missions and what they want to accomplish in their lives with actually being able to do that easily and effectively. That’s how I’ve chosen to live my life, and it’s why I love being an entrepreneur.

Mighty Networks: What happens when more people know how to run or host a community, courses, memberships, or events? The world will become a better place. We can have a connection. We can belong to something bigger than ourselves.
There are a lot of things that suck about being an entrepreneur. I don’t necessarily recommend it to everybody, but the main thing is that I can write a book about purpose, and it is aligned with my purpose, my company, and the category that we are building around cultural software and this ability for brands, creators, and individuals to design and scale new cultures. As I think about that, it wasn’t necessarily a side project, but I also did it almost so fast that I was like, “Am I really doing this?” The answer was I was, and I did.
As I said, it’s a very good book. I say that even when I’m not interviewing you. I’ve said it to a lot of people. What I take away from what you said and one of the things that are important, and we’ve known each other for quite a while now, is you’ve always been around bringing people together and helping people achieve their goals, missions, and purpose.
I feel like a lot of companies and organizations, when they say, “It’s time to launch a community. We should have a community so we can be stickier, make more money, and sell it so that we can have first-party data,” these are all, in my opinion, tail-wagging the dog. It’s great, but why does your customer want to be a member of your community? Why would somebody spend their time?
For a lot of these organizations, there’s this missing link between the two. You got to go back and say, “What is that ongoing goal that I’m helping these people achieve? What is this ongoing problem that I’m helping people solve?” I thought of a community called The Bariatric Society™. I thought about it right before we start talking. It’s for people who’ve gone through weight loss surgery. Of course, they come together, and what are they trying to do? They’re trying to optimize health. They’re trying to maintain the results that they’ve achieved.
Nobody else is going to understand that like somebody else is going through it, and it’s beautiful to see. When I read the book, I was like, “You’re really focusing at the beginning and saying, ‘Let’s take a step back. Let’s talk about what our purpose is. What is it that we’re trying to do here? Then, it’ll be so much easier to build an engaged community.’” Building an engaged community is hard.
I would challenge that. Building an engaged community is hard if you do not have a big purpose for the community, a motivation for those members to show up and contribute that is directly tied to their results that they want in their lives, the transformation that they want to have, the people that they want to meet, and the things that they want to belong to. When I look at what you granularly have to have in a community, you have to have motivation for people to show up and contribute. The second piece that you need, especially now, is comfort and confidence in being able to define the culture of your community, “Here is what we do here so that somebody doesn’t have to guess.”
One of these things that I find somewhat shocking is how, in any other area of our lives, we understand the power of cultural and social norms. When it comes to online communities, the first thing we want to set up is rules. The rules have gotten to be so extreme of you can show up in this community but then don’t murder anybody. That’s not the biggest problem here. The biggest problem is I don’t know anybody, and I don’t know what the norms are here in this community. For example, do we direct message each other? Is somebody going to respond to me? If I send somebody a message or if I respond to a question, are people going to think well of me or are they going to think that I’m a dum-dum?
Give me the rules of the game or the agreements that we make in this organic system such that I know how to win, how to be well-received, and how to have credibility for people to like me. One of the most powerful things that makes a community easy to do is a very simple, big purpose, which is a clear and obvious formula for it. It’s, “Who do you bring together? What are you going to do together? What are you going to get for doing those things?” It’s not a mission statement or marketing page but simply synthesizing down to its essence.
Who do you serve? Back of the pack, slow runners. What are you going to do together? You’re going to build training plans and start training for that first race so that we can be comfortable in our bodies no matter what our size, shape, or level of fitness is, and have incredible relationships in pursuit of the beauty of movement. That’s an example of a community that I love called the Slow AF Run Club. That’s an example of a big purpose.
You then have to match that up with, “This is what we do. This month’s theme is your first 5K. We have a weekly calendar. On Tuesday mornings at 9:00, we’ve got a live stream check-in. On Thursday, we have a question of the week, and on Mondays, we have a gratitude practice, and that’s it. That’s what we do in this community.”
“Every once in a while, as marathon seasons are coming, we’ll spin out and launch a new group, a new course, or a new subscription training program for training for your first marathon. It will cost money. We’ll bring together those people that are at that point in time. That’s what we do here. Every member who signs up and joins us in the Slow AF Run Club, we make an agreement that if somebody reaches out to us, we’ll respond.” That’s not heart. It’s just being willing to say, “This is what we do here.”
There are so many lessons in this that I want to pull out. One of them is how you get focused on your purpose. You had that nice three-part, “This is who it’s for. This is the outcome or the ongoing outcome that you can expect, and this is how we do it together, what we’re going to do to help you achieve that ongoing outcome or goal.” That’s super simple. You don’t have to do 1,000 things. You don’t have to have a catalog of articles, 27 meetings a week, private coaching, and three courses. You can just start with something simple that’s going to help them achieve whatever that ongoing goal or mission is.
You talked about the importance of culture online. I totally agree with you that people don’t know how to establish culture. They know it when they see it online. Most of us, we’re all parts of at least one community where we’re like, “It feels good. I feel safe. I know it’s going to happen. I know that if I put a question up, somebody will respond. I know if I say something rude, someone will shut me down.”
Robbie, what you’re describing is you understand the culture.
There’s an onboarding process and orchestration of that. I think a lot of organizations think, “I’m going to turn on that software that you talked about and throw some people on it. I’m not going to tell them what to do with it. I’m not going to tell them what their goals should be. I’m not going to tell them who should be here. We’re just going to see what happens.”
Another thing I hear regularly is, “I want my community to decide. I want to take their lead.” Here’s the way it really works with community. I think about it as to listen and adapt. You need to have a point of view. To run a community well, you have to start with a point of view. You have to surprise and delight people with what those norms are and what that culture is. We have so many ideas because we love this stuff and we’re obsessed with it at Mighty. If anybody wants to write me or reach out, we have got all sorts of fun, interesting, cool ways of building culture in your community.
Fundamentally, what you want to do is have a point of view and then listen for the reaction. Listen and adapt. You want to try new things. This used to happen to me certainly in high school a lot, where it’s like you’d go out with a group of friends and you’re basically like, “Where are we going to go for dinner?” “I don’t know. Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know. Where do you want to go?” An hour in, we’re starving because nobody is making the decision about where we’re going to go to dinner.
It’s such a relief when somebody says, “I was thinking we could get burgers. Is that good?” You listen, and sometimes people are like, “No, nobody wants burgers. We’re all vegan. Let’s go get a salad.” You’re like, “Okay, great.” A lot of people are very reluctant to take a leadership position, to have a point of view, but in most cases, everybody else is grateful. It’s a good starting point.
That’s one of the reasons why we use the term host. The whole thing about expertise, building your personal brand, or you have to be an influencer puts too much pressure on people. What you are doing with the community is you are playing the role of the convener. You are hosting people coming together. You can shine a light on what makes them special and makes them a part of this community and what we can go do together.
As a host, you are playing the role of the convener. You are hosting people coming together. You can shine a light on what makes them special and what makes them a part of the community. @ginab Share on XWe talk about what you can go do together in a community is quests. We define them as four things. Those are online courses because people want to be able to learn. They want to be able to go deeper. A lot of people are used to paying for online courses, and they are incredibly valuable. The second quest is a challenge. There are people that have built incredible businesses on challenges as a way to activate a community. Then there are experiences.
What’s an example of a challenge?
Dry January is a challenge. Couch to 5K is a challenge. It’s where you get something at the end of it or you have done something for roughly 30 days. A great example is Yoga with Adriene, one of our communities. She’s obviously got a large YouTube following if you are familiar with her. They do a 30-day yoga challenge every January. That has brought a community of over 223,000 members who are coming together in that challenge and then staying for that community design plan, that big purpose, that year in the life, “What are your community and members able to do a year from now that they’re not able to do now?”
That is the value of why people will pay to be a part of a community or join a community because of what they’re able to learn. To finish the community design plan, you have monthly themes and a weekly calendar and daily questions or daily polls, which is a way of saying daily activity that your members ultimately take over, so you don’t have to do anything every day in a community. That works really well.
Quest, though, we have online courses, challenges, and experiences. I think about experiences as events surrounded by the warm embrace of a community. Lastly, collabs or collaborations between members. Collabs might be small groups or masterminds. Certifications are another interesting way of collaborating. It’s anything that allows and enables your members to have a clear way of building things together with other members.
What you went through is very helpful for people who are trying to figure out, “What do I actually do with my community? How do I seed it?”
Let’s talk about that because it’s so important. Here is the thing. What do you do when you’re like, “I’m ready to go. What do I do first?” It’s the most important thing. Eighty percent of the impact of your community is going to be your big purpose. Why are people coming together? It’s because if there is clarity around why they are coming together, they are going to be predisposed to contribute because you’ve been clear right upfront before they’ve ever joined with, “As we do these things together, here is what you are going to get for it.” As they have motivation, which is very different than learn, share, and grow together, that’s generic at this point.
No one knows what that means. It’s a little bit like the word engagement. No one knows what engagement means. It means so many different things to so many different people. It doesn’t mean anything. Your big purpose is who you are bringing together. By the way, do you start to see something that’s interesting about communities and the most motivated people? They tend to be in transitions.
Especially for a membership or subscription business, the more that you can think about your ideal members or the people who need your community the most RIGHT NOW, and the more that you can focus on someone’s transition in their lives, the more motivated somebody’s going to be to show up. They’re like, “That’s me. I’m in that transition. I would like to be a part of this community.”
That might be high school seniors who are graduating and planning on taking a gap year or young professionals in their first year out of college in their first job. You go down the list of people’s transitions, and there is a community that there is demand for in each of those transitions. The reason I’m spending time on this is because when you get this right, everything else gets easier.
I have a comment about transitions. I saw that Bruce Feiler was one of those who gave a blurb on the back of your book. He’s a mutual friend, and he wrote a book, Life is in the Transitions. It’s all about all the different types of transitions. He’s done a tremendous amount of work breaking down what all those transitions are in someone’s life. If you’re looking for a transition to try to inspire you to think about what is what is that moment, that’s a good place to check out.
That is such a great book. He is fantastic. We came up with and have a guide to creating your big purpose. If somebody wants to send me an email, I’m happy to send it to them, or follow me on LinkedIn, and I’ll send it to you. If you’re like, “I’m so busy. I can’t possibly organize a community or host one. It’s too much work. Maybe I’ll do that in a few months,” the easiest thing that you can do once you get the transition or get the big purpose is set up a weekly calendar, two days a week. Maybe it’s a 6:00 happy hour over a live stream or maybe it is the question of the week. It does not need to be a lot if your big purpose is clear.
We’ve talked a lot about getting things started, the early part of building community, finding your purpose, establishing something, and starting small. What happens if things go well, it grows fast, and it’s overwhelming? What do you do then? I know you alluded to the idea that if you build it right, structure it right, and you set up the right culture, it takes care of itself. How do you make sure that it’s not going to get out of control?
Let’s talk about that. First and foremost, there are things that when you have a clear, big purpose, that you can break people off into these different quests, it doesn’t get out of control. Somebody who might have been in a spicy Facebook group might be saying to me, “Gina, that’s super naive. Haven’t you ever been in a spicy Facebook group?”
I would argue/suggest that the spicy Facebook groups have much more to do with Facebook than they do with community. I’ll share an example, coming back to Yoga with Adriene. They had a 35,000-person Facebook group before they moved to Mighty. They found that it was weird. It was weirdly spicy and toxic. People would show up and they would be talking politics and angry with other members over yoga.
They moved to Mighty in part because they were like, “This is too much. This is hard to manage. This is not fun.” When they moved to Mighty, and they were able to build a new culture with new norms, because they had community, the ability to have a chat but also to have a feed, were able to ask questions, were able to organize by topics or hashtags, and were able to do events and live streaming and courses all in one place, what they found was that they could ask the same question in both places and get fundamentally different answers.
It’s because of the culture and the infrastructure.
We do some things behind the scenes that you don’t need to know a ton about, like personalizing it to what you, as a member, are following or what you care about or the groups that you’re a part of, or the spaces that you’re in. Now, because of this focus on designing and scaling culture, we as a platform are set up that you can have entirely different member profiles, experiencing your community in very different ways by organizing them into these spaces.
Think about them as rooms in a house and then decorating them with different features, like different kinds of furniture in those rooms effectively. You can scale your community so much more effectively and easily. That’s what we have found. The folks that are like, “I’m going to have a problem because once this thing gets to a million members, it’s going to fall apart,” it won’t. It’s fine.
The hardest thing and the thing to pay attention to is it is so tempting to be general. It is so tempting to want to build a community for all humans on planet Earth, especially if you have a framework or methodology that you feel will help people of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, transitions, hopes and dreams, fears, and misconceptions. That might be true, but if you don’t draft behind the fact that your members want to meet other people like themselves, you’re making your life harder and it’s unnecessary.

Mighty Networks: The hardest thing and the thing to pay attention to is that it’s so tempting to be general. It’s so tempting to want to build a community for all humans on planet Earth.
Ultimately, it’s about bringing people together under your umbrella and giving them a safe space where they know that everybody else there shares the same purpose and culture. Both of those things, the purpose and the culture, are important. It makes it easy. Everything goes faster and grows more easily. We’re going back and forth here between the personal and the professional.
Some of these communities that you’ve talked about are very personal, but you also have companies that you work with where there might be a community manager. You might have that title. That’s what you got hired to do. Maybe you’re called a host and that helps you reframe what your role is. How do you balance that and find the purpose of your organization when you’re working for a product company or what have you?
With over 8,000 people who have been through the Community Design Masterclass, we have a fair number of people who are working for brands and working for nonprofit organizations and companies. Some of the brands that we work with are TED, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, and Mindbody. We’re not just a platform for individuals to become hosts of communities or courses.
This evolution from this idea of managing a community to designing the culture of a community is an important shift. When you design the culture of a community, you are setting it up to run itself. You are setting it up to get value to attract your members and for them to get value in a way that is incredible. It’s one of these things that when I talk to folks that have been running and scaling communities, it’s like, “I don’t exactly know what it is that is so special about it, but it is so special.”

Mighty Networks: When you design the culture of a community, you are setting it up to run itself. You are setting it up to get value to attract your members and for them to get value in a way that is incredible.
What it is, is watching people unlock results and transformation in their lives that they cannot otherwise get outside of the structure of a community. For a community manager or designer, what is your connection to the brand? You have to care. I don’t think that it can be a job that you mail it in. If anything, the essence of a community, there’s always something interesting. Even if you take, “I’m going to create a customer community for our enterprise software,” those people that you may think of as nameless, faceless pocketbooks, they’re human beings. They have love, interests, and desires to connect with other people. They want to solve the puzzles and the riddles of how to make the most out of what you offer.
They want the results and transformation in their lives that they can’t get on their own. They want to understand alongside other people who are like them on the same path. What is happening in the world, this world of rapid change? Anytime we think that it’s going to slow down and we can catch our breath, something else shows up that is fundamentally different and creates a different world than we even had months ago.
We are now in our 3rd and 4th iteration of this, even in the last few years. As we look at that, the only way to navigate rapid change and new challenges, and in many cases, ordeals and difficulties, are through the power of community. Even that enterprise software developer community should have a culture and an impact on people’s lives that take advantage of the fact that a community is the single most effective way to navigate rapid change. A community is the single most effective way to build new practices and change habits. A community is the single most effective way to innovate and create change in people’s lives.
A community is the single most effective way to build new practices and change habits. A community is the single most effective way to innovate and create change in people's lives. @ginab Share on XIt’s interesting, the point about the enterprise software manager role or database manager, things like that, which seem very human pocketbook or human machine. They want to do good work. They want to be recognized for that work. They want to be recognized for the contribution they’re making to the bigger team. In some cases, those groups are even more valuable than some of the ones that feel more mission-based because nobody else is investing in them.
I almost feel like the places where you might feel the most alone are the places that are most ripe for community. I could talk to you all day and would love to have an all-day to talk to you, but I know you have a million more meetings for the rest of the day. I’m wondering if I can close out with a speed round. We did this last time.
I love speed rounds.
The first community you were ever a part of?
My church.
The most meaningful community you’re part of now?
It’s a group of three friends and their husbands that we refer to ourselves as The Gems of the Danube because we took a trip there.
What’s important about that group? What is the purpose?
In this group, we are going through life together, high highs, and low lows. They are the group of people that I can be the most honest with, and they can be the most honest with us as well.
That might be another book.
I would call it Gems of the Danube 2019.
I love it. Sign me up. I want an early edition. Besides yours, one book you’d recommend to this audience of Subscription professionals thinking about community?
I loved the book Never Lose a Customer Again by Joey Coleman.
Finally, what is the best advice for an entrepreneur writing a book?
Find a friend who can basically ask you the question, “What are you trying to say?” This is less of a speed round, but I will say that a ghostwriter you think exists doesn’t, and you are much better off not trying to outsource to a ghostwriter a book. If you feel the calling to write a book, you are much better off carving out the time and having a friend or an editor or somebody essentially play the role of editor to when you get stuck, unstick you. That is more important than trying to find a ghostwriter.
The problem with the ghostwriter is that they have to live in your brain as an expert, and they can’t become an expert fast enough. You’re like, “If I want to do this fast because I’ve got a day job, it’s faster for me to write it myself.” At which point, you have to ask yourself the question, “What if I get stuck?” Getting unstuck is the hardest thing. It takes a village.
It takes a village, and you have to do it yourself. You have to be the leader of the village. Writing your best ideas is not something that somebody else can do for you. That’s so true. I wish somebody had told me that when I started writing my first book. It’s great advice. Thank you for joining us, Gina, and for coming back a second time. Your first episode is the most popular episode of all time. Your content is great, and your generosity is unsurpassed in terms of your profound desire to help individuals find their purpose and share it to make the world a better place. Thank you so much for joining us.
My pleasure. Thank you so much for having me, Robbie. Take care.
That was returning guest Gina Bianchini, Founder and CEO of Mighty Networks and author of the Wall Street Journal best-seller, Purpose. For more about Gina and her new best-seller, Purpose, go to www.Purpose.co. For more about Mighty Networks, go to www.MightyNetworks.com. If you like what you read, please go over to Apple Podcasts or Apple iTunes and leave a review. Mention Gina and this episode if you especially enjoyed it. Reviews are how our audience finds our show and we appreciate each one. Thanks for your support and thanks for reading.
Important Links
- Mighty Networks
- Gina Bianchini, Founder and CEO of Mighty Networks
- Community Design Masterclass
- Subscription Stories Episode Ep. 14 Mighty Network’s Gina Bianchini on How to Create a Community Worth Subscribing to
- Buy Purpose: Design a Community and Change Your Life
- The Bariatric Society™
- Slow AF Run Club
- Yoga with Adriene
- Yoga with Adriene YouTube Channel
- Bruce Feiler, Bestselling Author, TED Speaker, TV Host
- Buy Life is in the Transitions
- Buy Never Lose a Customer Again
- Joey Coleman, Professional Speaker
About Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini is the CEO and Founder of Mighty Networks, where creators, entrepreneurs, and brands use cultural software to build digital communities. She’s also the creator of Community DesignTM, a proven strategy framework for understanding and growing communities online and in the real world.
Over 8,000 people have taken her Community DesignTM Masterclass where they learn how to build a community so valuable you can charge for it, and so well-designed it essentially runs itself.
She has been featured in Fast Company, Wired, Vanity Fair, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and The New York Times. She has appeared on CNBC, CNN, and Charlie Rose. She grew up in Cupertino, California, graduated with honors from Stanford University, started her career in the High Technology Group at Goldman, Sachs & Co., and received her MBA from Stanford Business School.
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