We opened with two thought leaders, Nir Eyal, author of Hooked and Indistractible, and Tiffani Bova, Salesforce Global Evangulist. We also heard from two Subscription experts, Piano’s Trevor Kaufman and Optimized Payment’s Paul Larsen talking best practices. And there were some great practitioners with years of “in the trenches” experience leading Membership Economy businesses—LinkedIn Learning’s Jill Raines, Fuzzy’s Zubin Bhettay, Product Leader Caitlin Roman, sharing stories from Medium, LinkedIn and The Athletic.
Listen to Season Four Wrap-Up and Season Five Sneak Peak:
This spring, I’m hard at work to make sure that Season 5 is the best and most practical season of Subscription Stories so far. You’ll hear from Mighty Network’s Gina Bianchini, our most popular guest ever, returning to talk about her new book, Purpose, as well as Rod Cherkas of Hello CCO sharing the Chief Customer Officer’s Playbook, and Dan Zavorotny, founder of Nutrisense.io sharing a new model for metabolic health.
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