
Teleseminar on Disciplined Marketing

My colleague, Linda Popky and I have noticed that many consultants get stuck trying to market their practices--not because they don't have enough ideas for marketing, but because they have too many. We see consultants with stacks of half-finished...

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The Membership Economy and Hospitality

We are seeing industry after industry transformed by moving from ownership models to access models, and focusing on turning customers into members.    What does this trend mean for companies who have been talking membership since their inception?...

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Stanford GSB WIN Conference for Women

It's hard to believe the Women's Initiative Network Conference happened 2 weeks ago already. As part of the conference hosting team, I spent a lot of time with the organizers trying to develop an agenda that would appeal to a broad range of female GSB...

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Should you charge more for bigger clients?

Should you charge more for bigger clients? If you are a true believer in value-based pricing, the answer should be yes.  The bigger the company (in terms of revenues, product lines, profits, employees...choose your metric), the bigger the opportunity to make an...

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