How to make your mentor love you
Having mentors who have succeeded where you hope to succeed is critical to your success. Much of what motivates mentors to spend time with those coming after them is the desire to see others have an easier time--and to make a positive impact on someone's...
AARP and the Membership Economy
The AARP's social community just hit 1 million. Amazing, right? Most companies in Silicon Valley have written off senior citizens as too old for the digital revolution. And yet, the AARP is building online community by providing value to their...
5 Ways to Fill Your Pipeline NOW
In a perfect world, marketers have budget to simultaneously invest in short term pipeline building AND building awareness. But sometimes, you have limited budget and not enough revenue. You need more business now. Here are a few tactics to build...
B2B Marketing Trends for 2013
1. Technology Matters: Every marketer needs to understand technology. Increasingly, digital marketing IS marketing, and having the right technology will make the difference. Many senior (read "old") marketers are afraid of digging into...
Teamwork and Discipline: Harvard beats Cal
I'm not a huge sports fan, but when Harvard comes west, I love to root for them. Harvard is generally the underdog, with bad weather, a lighter practice schedule, and no scholarship budget. When Bob played on the baseball team, they were handily...
Free Teleconference: 50 Ways to Call Your Mentor
REGISTER NOW Are you being mentored or coached and don’t know why or when to call your mentor? Maybe you’ve never been mentored or coached because you don’t know how to use one. Join Robbie and her good friend Dan Weedin (both certified as Master...
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