How to write a book (You can do it! Here’s how!)

A lot of people have asked me what has surprised me about the process of writing my business book, The Membership Economy, and what I’ve learned. In the spirit of the recently-retired David Letterman, here’s my top 10 list:

Books about Mentoring

About 4 years ago, the Office of Personnel Management wrote a paper on best practices in mentoring programs within the US Government.  Many of the recommendations apply in other mentoring situations. They provided a good list of mentoring books. I added a few...

Immunity to Change by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey

One of my clients recently recommended that I read Immunity to Change by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey.  The book jacket lists endorsements by Peter Senge (The Fifth Discipline) and Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence)  as well as leaders at...

Thanks to Alvin Begun for this arresting use of graphics to convey a (frightening) trend. I love words and articulate verbal communication, but sometimes a picture is just way more effective. For those of you interested in great tips and tricks on communicating with...