The past year has been a difficult one for schools. It sometimes seems like everything’s in flux. Many families have changed strategies. Some have left traditional schools to join neighborhood pods. Others have gone from independent schools to public schools to save...
The time leading up to American Thanksgiving is often especially busy, with a combination of major conferences, ambitious sales goals and, of course, planning for the upcoming year before people check out (physically and/or mentally) for the holiday season....
Right now, subscriptions are everywhere. Every industry is experimenting with subscription. Some are working. Some are not. The best subscription companies seem to be disruption proof. Subscribers have made their products and services habits, and aren’t looking for...
Rumors are flying about Apple’s emerging bundling strategy. Apparently they are getting ready to launch several tiers of new bundled subscriptions, incorporating different combos of the following: Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple News+ , iCloud...
Recently, I invited Gina Bianchini, founder and CEO of Mighty Networks, to be my guest on #linkedinlive to talk about the role of community in the Membership Economy. We had a far reaching conversation that touched on the role of neighborhood communities, debated the...