30 Days to a Stronger Network in 2021

30 Days to a Stronger Network in 2021

A few years ago, my sister asked me to co lead a workshop to help a group of her fellow psychologists build their professional network. Here’s how she opened the event: “I know most of us really don’t like networking, and I’m glad you’re...

How to Scope and Define an Internship

The needs of a new subscription business change rapidly, especially early on. Before organizations invest in technology infrastructure, they often serve subscribers in a more labor-intensive way. This is a good strategy for businesses to take as they work to refine...

When a Consultant Has More Business Than She Can Handle

Dear Robbie, I am in a really good place of having more inquiries than I can handle.  When someone contacts me, should I talk to them to explore what they are looking for  and then let them know about my availability or do I tell them this before I even...

Books about Mentoring

About 4 years ago, the Office of Personnel Management wrote a paper on best practices in mentoring programs within the US Government.  Many of the recommendations apply in other mentoring situations. They provided a good list of mentoring books. I added a few...