Robbie’s Rules of Thumb: When Free Makes Sense

Too many companies offer something for free because they know that the “free” will attract new customers, but don’t have a business model that monetizes these “freesters”. Gathering eyeballs and building relationships with prospects can be a key part of a successful business model, but only if it leads directly to revenue.

The Economics of Free

The idea of giving stuff away for free in order to make more money is enticing, but very hard to do well. If you're thinking of incorporating "free" into your digital business, you may want to look at this video first. I recorded this video for Vindica,...

Great Infographic on Freemium

Just read a great article on Freemium and how it works in the mobile gaming world. Nice job to blogger LInda Bustos Love the infographic!  And special thanks to my friend and colleagues Rick Vosper, for bringing it to my attention!

Webinar Recording “The Economics of Free”

I recently gave a webinar entitled The Economics of Free.  My host, Vindicia, is the leading provider of SaaS billing and marketing systems for digital content and services providers, and it was a lot of fun to field questions from their customers, who include...