Making it Stick

For awhile, everyone was talking about stickiness in online applications. Stickiness is the word commonly given to attributes of an online service that make users continue to return.  Sometimes it is used to describe tactics simply to gain repeat usage, like...

B2BC or Business to Business-Minded Consumer

A lot of companies I work with fit neither into B2B nor B2C.  Unlike traditional B2B companies, they aren't selling to specific titles who are acting on behalf of the enterprise.  Unlike traditional B2C companies, they aren't selling to consumers...

Best Practices for Contract VP Marketing

As the market warms up and people go back to growing their businesses, many companies find themselves understaffed and lacking talent needed to get their business to the next level.  One resource being considered is the hiring of an interim VP to jumpstart...

Marketing your Research

We have more data than we know what to do with.  Researchers, many of whom work in think tanks and academic institutions, have the information that can solve, or at least mitigate, many of our greatest problems–ending world hunger, slowing global warming,...