When I was in business school, it was easy to access case studies recommended by professors or classmates. If you really wanted to, you could buy copies for a few dollars, or, more likely, you could access the cases for free at the library–as nearly every...
The idea of giving stuff away for free in order to make more money is enticing, but very hard to do well. If you're thinking of incorporating "free" into your digital business, you may want to look at this video first. I recorded this video for Vindica,...
I recently gave a webinar entitled The Economics of Free. My host, Vindicia, is the leading provider of SaaS billing and marketing systems for digital content and services providers, and it was a lot of fun to field questions from their customers, who include...
Yesterday, my Op-Ed piece on Netflix's recent price hike was picked up by the San Francisco Chronicle. The copy is below, or you can click to link. Netflix, the popular movie rental service, announced last week that it will be unbundling its DVD business...