Palo Alto: Freemium Event

I will be hosting and moderating the following event.  The planned location isn't big enough to accomodate the crowd, so we are moving to a bigger space, likely also at the Faculty Club.  Please let me know if you plan to be there, so i can say hello!...

No such thing as a free lunch

Free is not a Business Model.  It's a Marketing Tactic   As I prepare for tonight's talk on Free for B2B, I am rwminded of how many companies still think "giving product away" qualifies as a business strategy (at least until the IPO or...

Should freemium services have free customer support?

It depends how the freemium offering fits into your business model. If you see free as the top of the funnel for customer acquisition, then you should provide lots of customer support.  Leading companies might offer phone support, online chat, and email, in...

Optimizing a Freemium funnel–where to start?

I was recently talking to a friend who is stepping in to run marketing at a company with a Freemium model. It got me thinking about where you start first in optimizing the funnel around a Freemium model for an existing business.  As I've said before,...