Estimating Free-Paid Ratios for Freemium Models

People are always asking me for estimates regarding conversion rates for freemium models.  In general, it is hard to say–it depends on the nature and quality of the free service, the additional value provided by the premium service, and the extent to which...

Launching Premium Offerings in a Freemium World

In the world of Freemium, one of of the biggest challenges is introducing a paid offering to complement the free one.  Here are a few tips:1.  The new offering needs to be better than the existing one.  There are very few examples of companies that...

LinkedIn’s Company Profiles Share More Info Than You Think!

Is anyone else a little freaked out by how much LinkedIn can tell you about a company?I have been a fan of LinkedIn, both as a smart business model and as a service I use on a regular basis in my consulting practice.  The down economy seems to have done wonders...

Pandora and Recurring Revenue

In our house, everyone loves Pandora, the online music service that allows you to create your own station that perfectly fits your tastes.  My daughter and I have created a station that everyone in the family enjoys.  It blends singer-songwriters, angsty...