Does Freemium Still Matter?

Does Freemium Still Matter?

Unlike a free trial, freemium is an ongoing membership which provides real value for free. Freemium may be used to care for members, to benefit the community or to build brand awareness. Just be aware why you are offering freemium and how it supports your mission.

Next Gen Subscriptions (or The Membership Economy, Part 2)

People are always asking me “What’s next for subscriptions?” It’s hard to answer, because in this increasingly crowded space, everyone seems to have a subscription offering, and each one is a little different. However, the one challenge all organizations seem to be...

10 Tips For Product Managers to Optimize Your Subscription App

So you’ve launched your subscription app, and you have some subscribers. You’ve only scratched the surface. Now the real work begins. The key to subscription models is that the benefits keep improving to support the subscriber’s ongoing goal. And at...

How to Build the Right Culture for Subscriptions

Right now, subscriptions are everywhere. Every industry is experimenting with subscription. Some are working. Some are not. The best subscription companies seem to be disruption proof. Subscribers have made their products and services habits, and aren’t looking for...
10 Tips About Subscription Pricing

10 Tips About Subscription Pricing

I probably get more questions on pricing than on anything else relating to building subscription models. So I thought I’d dedicate today’s article to some best practices for pricing subscriptions. Keep it simple. There are so many terrific subscription...