Resources for Business Development & Partnership Strategy

Resources for Business Development & Partnership Strategy

Delivering on a forever promise, and maximizing an organization’s overall business potential, is often a task too big for one company. So they need partners, and new ways of doing things. But who builds out those relationships? Who jumps in to explore, formalize...

How to Scope and Define an Internship

The needs of a new subscription business change rapidly, especially early on. Before organizations invest in technology infrastructure, they often serve subscribers in a more labor-intensive way. This is a good strategy for businesses to take as they work to refine...

How to Hold Onto Your Customers in a Crisis–and For the Long Term

Subscription-based businesses seem to be the most resilient during this time of crisis. With predictable recurring revenue, they have greater flexibility to withstand the storm. But there’s more to it than just revenue. To hang onto customers during a crisis, you need...