How to write a book (You can do it! Here’s how!)

A lot of people have asked me what has surprised me about the process of writing my business book, The Membership Economy, and what I’ve learned. In the spirit of the recently-retired David Letterman, here’s my top 10 list:

How to Ask for a Testimonial

The most important thing is to nurture your community and build relationships with the people who can help you and whom you’ve helped. If you have real, authentic relationships, people are going to be much more likely to want to help you, and it’s going to be much easier to ask for that help too!

Big Game Hunting

I was talking yesterday with a woman I recently started mentoring.  Like many of us, she has numerous skills and areas of expertise, which appeal to a variety of different potential clients.  She told me that she has been trying to keep all of her doors...

Building your business pipeline

Just as someone living in the dark might want to locate a candle before scheduling an appointment with the electrician, understandably, a new consultant might be eager to have any cashflow before investing in building bigger, predictable cashflow. New consultants...

When a Consultant Has More Business Than She Can Handle

Dear Robbie, I am in a really good place of having more inquiries than I can handle.  When someone contacts me, should I talk to them to explore what they are looking for  and then let them know about my availability or do I tell them this before I even...