Crystal Ball: The World of Subscriptions in 2020

Crystal Ball: The World of Subscriptions in 2020

I’m no fortune teller, but something about the beginning of a new year and a new decade makes me want to start spouting predictions. Actually, this isn’t the first time I have taken a crack and predictions. The final chapter of my new book THE FOREVER...
Can we talk about subscription fatigue?

Can we talk about subscription fatigue?

Can we talk about subscription fatigue? You can subscribe to just about anything these days, from music to clothing to enterprise software to heavy machinery. It’s no surprise that some people are getting tired of subscriptions. There are three key reasons that...

Dipping Your Toe or Diving In–Getting Started in Consulting

Some people dive into consulting.  Others dip their toe in first.  I was a toe-dipper.  I was so nervous about investing my dollars and my time, reaching out to my network, telling everyone this was my new goal, and then failing.  So I started...