Research and Your Mother-in-Law

When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME. The tech companies I work with need to move quickly, and don't always have the luxury of doing primary research on their customers and prospects.  In many cases, actual historical data is available, which can...

No such thing as a free lunch

Free is not a Business Model.  It's a Marketing Tactic   As I prepare for tonight's talk on Free for B2B, I am rwminded of how many companies still think "giving product away" qualifies as a business strategy (at least until the IPO or...

Free trial vs Freemium

Some people are confusing services featuring a free trial from true Freemium models.A free trial demonstrates value to a user for a limited duration.  The idea is to convince a user that the service has enough value to justify the paid subscription.  While...

Estimating Free-Paid Ratios for Freemium Models

People are always asking me for estimates regarding conversion rates for freemium models.  In general, it is hard to say–it depends on the nature and quality of the free service, the additional value provided by the premium service, and the extent to which...

Marketing and the Sales Funnel

Nearly every company uses the metaphor of a "funnel" when thinking about their sales prospects. Top of funnel: everyone in our market who is aware of our product Middle of funnel: prospects–people who are actively interested in our product Bottom of...