More than ever, content matters. Google has been talking a lot about the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)–the idea that buyers, both B2B and consumers, start to make their decision well before they talk to a sales person or make themselves known to the seller....
As many of you know, I am a Girl Scout leader. Our motto is "be prepared. Recently, I have been noticing that many adults, even former scouts, have forgotten this message. When you have an important meeting scheduled, it makes sense to...
In my last post, I lamented the fact that too many companies focus on the top of the funnel, awareness, before they have figured out how to optimize leads and convert them into happy customers.I said the most important area of the funnel is the bottom. But...
Nearly every company uses the metaphor of a "funnel" when thinking about their sales prospects. Top of funnel: everyone in our market who is aware of our product Middle of funnel: prospects–people who are actively interested in our product Bottom of...