New Podcast Available on Freemium

Freemium is not a business model.  It is a marketing tactic, and can be used effectively for 3 primary purposes:  to build awareness and trial, to serve as a customer acquisition engine through referrals, or to help a business achieve a networked...

Palo Alto: Freemium Event

I will be hosting and moderating the following event.  The planned location isn't big enough to accomodate the crowd, so we are moving to a bigger space, likely also at the Faculty Club.  Please let me know if you plan to be there, so i can say hello!...

No such thing as a free lunch

Free is not a Business Model.  It's a Marketing Tactic   As I prepare for tonight's talk on Free for B2B, I am rwminded of how many companies still think "giving product away" qualifies as a business strategy (at least until the IPO or...