Can we talk about subscription fatigue?

Can we talk about subscription fatigue?

Can we talk about subscription fatigue? You can subscribe to just about anything these days, from music to clothing to enterprise software to heavy machinery. It’s no surprise that some people are getting tired of subscriptions. There are three key reasons that...

To Refund or Not?

You should be thoughtful about refund policies because they can create tremendous goodwill and mitigate customer support efforts.

The Problem with the Big Reveal

Change is hard, especially in the Membership Economy.  Members prefer incremental constant change to big reveals.  Anytime that you unveil something with jazz hands (see above) and a loud "ta da!" you run a risk that your members will reconsider...

Recent podcasts on the Membership Economy

  If you're interested in joining the Membership Economy to build loyalty, engagement and recurring revenue, check out some of these recent podcasts: Entrepreneur on Fire Empowering Her Business CMO Radio on The More Clients Podcast...

10 Secrets to Recurring Revenue

Whenever I speak, audience members invariably ask the most questions about how to build recurring revenue. Here are the best things you can do if you want to build the kind of loyalty and engagement that results in predictable revenue streams. Let me know if you have...